Mifare Cracking

We provide our customers with a variety of tools, giving them the possibility to enlarge the variety of service they deliver:

  • TapLinx: Android based development kit that allows to create a mobile application reading MIFARE cards in no time
  • RFIDDiscover – NXP’s 13,56 MHz contactless IC products expert tool
  • NFC TagInfo App by NXP, available in the Google Play Store, helps you to check which MIFARE product is in a card
  • NFC TagWriter App by NXP stores contacts, bookmarks, SMS, Mail, text messages and many more to any NFC-enabled tag

Tools that can help to verify the originality of MIFARE ICs:

  • Proxmark3 is a RFID Swiss Army Knife. It can also be used for cracking Mifare Classic keys. This doesn't use any of the instructions described here, instead see the proxmark3 wiki page for more information. The price quoted is for the bare board and HF antenna from Ryscc (US).
  • Since then, a lot of public exploits to crack MIFARE Classic tags have been developed. We are going to use one of them for this project. Cracking the card To perform this attack, you will need a computer running Kali Linux, a PN532 NFC/RFID controller breakout board and a USB to TTL Serial Cable. You can use any other Linux distribution than.

Mifare Desfire Ev1 Cracking

  • Application Notes to implement Originality Signature Verification in customer applications
  • Dedicated functions in TapLinx
  • NFC TagInfo App by NXP, available in the Google PlayStore
  • Analysis in the Lab


Your simple way to cool Apps

Cracking an RFID Card The ultimate goal when attacking a Mifare card, or any RFID card, is to achieve read/write access on the contents of the card's memory. From here it would be possible to clone a card, write arbitrary values (such as stored subway credits), and, if you're lucky, modify arbitrary cards using the same service.


NXP’s 13,56 MHz contactless IC products expert tool

Reader-Writer Kit for MIFARE ICs

Includes the Pegoda II reader writer, sample tags and required software

NXP Originality Checker Reader

Mifare cracking video

Helps to verify the authenticity of a MIFARE IC

Mifare Crack

NFC TagInfo App by NXP

Get more information about your NFC tag

Mifare Cracking System

NFC TagWriter App by NXP

Write your own NXP NFC tags

Mifare Cracking Code

Please note, the tools listed on this page may help you to verify the authenticity of a MIFARE IC and NXP shall not be liable for the information provided. For more information please contact MIFARE@nxp.com.