About Sha1 :
Juniper Encrypted Password Crack 10
Sha-1 is a cryptographic function that takes as input a 2^64 bits maximum length message, and outputs a 160 bits hash, 40 caracters. Sha-1 is an improvement of Sha-0, it was created by the NSA, and improve cryptographic security by increasing the number of operations before a collision (theory says 2^63 operations), however Sha-1 is not considered as secure because 2^63 could be reach pretty easily. It was replaced by Sha-2 (224, 256, 384 and 512 bits), and more recently by Sha-3. Like Md5, Sha-1 is an unilateral function, to decrypt the plaintext behind a hash, you have to confront it to a online database. This website allows you to compare your Sha1 hashesJUNOS Password Decrypter. This tool will decode JUNOS $9$ passwords to plain text, it's not useful for hashed passwords. Encrypted Password. Therefore, if a password that is encrypted by using SHA-256 in Junos OS release 15.1 is provided to Junos OS releases 12.3 and earlier, the password decryption will fail. The encryption used is as follows: In Junos OS release 12.3 and earlier images, MD5 encryption is used and the password starts with $1$. In Junos OS release 15.1 image, SHA.
and decrypt it if you're lucky, thanks to our efficient online database. This database contains 15,183,605,161 words, coming from all the wordlists I was able to find online. I then computed for days to enlarge the database and make it really unique, which will help you into Sha1 decryption.