Crop Marks In Word For Mac

Crop Marks In Word For Mac

Crop Marks In Word For MacFor

This wikiHow teaches you how to crop a picture that's inserted into a Microsoft Word document. Open your Microsoft Word document. Double-click the document that contains the picture you want to crop. Removing Crop Marks - MS Word 2007. Launch MS Word and click the 'Office' button at the top-left corner of the MS Word file. Click the 'Word Options' button at the bottom of the dialog window (next to the 'Exit Word' button). Click 'Advanced.' Use the scroll bar at the right side of the window to scroll down to the 'Show document content' section.

How To Crop Picture On Mac

Pages can't generate crop marks natively (and I know of no other $40 application that does). If you are starting a new project, you can set up a custom template to do this. In Page Setup, set the page size to a custom size larger than the page you need (e.g., a few centimetres larger horizontal and vertical than the final page size). In the new page that appears, set the page guides to mark the border of the document, then set the crop and bleed marks where specified by your printer.
Note that this won't really help if the document already exists, since changing the page size may mess up existing formatting.

Apr 3, 2007 6:42 PM

annaesthetised wrote:
What PDF program can I buy that I can paste my Word doc into that will give me crop marks for printing?

PDFClerk Pro will do what you ask.
Maybe you should look for a different printer. It isn't reasonable to expect end-users to supply markup extensions like crop marks. You should just give the printer your PDF, tell them what output size you want, and then look at the proof they give you. They are the professional and they should be the ones messing with the PDF tools.

Crop Marks In Word For Mac Shortcut

Dec 30, 2009 11:57 AM