Causes Of Split Bum Crack Sore

Are you in a position that has you standing for long hours? (Pun intended.) Or perhaps you have a serious medical condition that causes dry feet?

  1. Causes Of Split Bum Crack Sore Mouth
  2. Causes Of Split Bum Crack Sore Back
  3. Causes Of Split Bum Crack Soreness

The result may be cracked feet, and if left untreated, can cause severe pain and infection.

Split bum crack causes. A 25-year-old female asked. I have had pain in the dent area above my bum crack. Today took pic. Quarter size bruise. Go to your GP, it could be nothing but could also be the start of a pilondal sinus. I'm a surgical nurse, and believe me it's much better to head them off at the pass with antibiotics (if needed) than to ignore hem and rsk them getting worse. Sore bottom crack. 16 November 2011 at. Inagine you pulled the skin apart just a bit too much, and it split. Someone I know had problem sore skin caused.

Inflammation: This could be due to localized inflammation, or an underlying problem with the bone (i.e. Fracture, instability). You could try some anti-inflammator. There are two types of herpes viruses: herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2). HSV-1 causes cold sores (and is extremely common), while HSV-2 is known as genital herpes.

With the sandal season right around the corner, we look at cracking feet causes and the best home remedies to heal cracking feet.

Your unsightly cracked heals and feet are mainly as a result of dry skin brought on by a lack of moisture to the affected areas. Our feet do not contain oil glands, and are, therefore, susceptible to dryness. Too much dryness causes heel fissures, which can turn into cracks quite easily.

The pain associated with this condition happens when the dermis layer is broken by the cracking of the skin. You may experience symptoms of itchiness, rough and hard callused skin, flaky spots, and cracked skin. Cracking of the skin can cause it to bleed, and can lead to bacterial infections.

What Is the Cause of Cracked Feet?

Having cracked heels and feet can be attributed to several factors aside from dryness alone. The pressure on your feet from excessive standing positions, the natural ageing process, and medical conditions can cause cracked feet. Podiatrist Alan K. Mauser, DPM, compares the process to plaster on a balloon. “It’s kind of like if you put plaster on a balloon and let it harden and blow up the balloon, the balloon will expand the plaster and crack. The heel pad wants to expand outward, but the skin is not pliable enough to expand with it, so it cracks,” explains Dr. Mauser.

Dry Feet

The number one cause of cracked feet is dryness. Lack of moisture is prevalent during the cold weather months of winter. We may tend to ignore our feet during this time as we maintain warmth with the wearing of heavy socks and enjoy longer hot showers and baths. Other causes of dry feet include dehydration, reduced use of moisturizing lotion, and use of chemical soaps on feet. Our diet can have an indirect effect on the amount of dryness of our feet, as well as if we lack essential nutrients.

Prolonged Standing

Many of today’s workforce spend up to at least seven hours standing, performing occupational tasks. Without the proper footwear and foot care, this can lead to excessive dry skin and cracked feet. The surface where you stand also plays role, as hard floors can cause excessive pressure on the pads of your feet. This, combined with friction can cause severe cracking and possible bleeding of the skin.

Medical Conditions

Cracked feet are a reason for concern for many patients of various medical conditions such as diabetes, underactive thyroid disorder, eczema, and psoriasis. These conditions and certain medications draw moisture from the skin leading to dry skin. If you suffer from heel spurs, athlete’s foot, or flat feet, you are at risk for cracked feet.


As pressure on the heels and soles of feet can cause dry skin to crack, obese patients may be susceptible to cracked skin conditions. This can be prevented by wearing shoes with heel pads or cups, which keep the skin from expanding under the pressure of the weight of the body.

Open-Heeled Shoes

Those pretty shoes you love to wear could put your feet at risk for cracks by allowing the heel and foot to expand and the skin to become thin. This is the result of wearing shoes that do not fit your foot properly or have very thin soles.

12 Best Home Remedies for Cracked Feet

Once you notice cracks on the bottom of your feet or on your heels, there are a number of home remedies you can do to prevent further damage and infection from setting in. Try the following natural treatments to heal dry, cracked skin.


Soaking and scrubbing your feet can care for any skin damage. You should soak your feet in warm water before using any tool to remove the dead, dry skin. For best results, soak feet for 20 minutes before bedtime. You can use a pumice stone to remove dead skin before patting dry.


Olive, coconut, and almond oils are great moisturizers for dry skin and to treat cracked feet. After soaking feet in warm water, massage the oil on the cracked skin and put on clean socks for overnight. Rinse off the oil in the morning and repeat daily until skin improves.



Remove dead skin cells easier with the acetic acid in vinegar. Create a foot bath with ½ cup of white or apple cider vinegar with two cups of warm water. Scrub away loose skin after soaking feet for 10 to 15 minutes. Afterwards, pat dry and apply a moisturizer. This soak can be done three times each week.


Using the antibacterial components of honey, you can replenish lost moisture while healing damaged skin at the same time. Soak your feet in a bath of warm water and ½ cup of pure raw honey for 20 minutes before removing dead skin cells with a cloth. Do treatment daily until cracks are healed.

Baking Soda

Treat the inflammation with a baking soda soak. In a foot tub, combine water with three tablespoons of baking soda. Soak feet for 10 to 15 minutes before scrubbing with a pumice stone. Wash feet and repeat two to three times each week.

Rice Flour

Create a paste of two to three tablespoons of rice flour, apple cider vinegar, and honey. Massage the thick paste on feet and allow the healing ingredients to set into the feet for a few minutes before rinsing. Do this two to three times each week.

Epsom Salt

Used for years as a natural healing agent and to pull toxins from the body, Epsom salt also stimulates blood circulation in the feet. Soak feet in a warm water and Epsom salt bath for 10 minutes. Use a pumice stone and place feet back into bath for another 10 minutes. Dry feet and moisturize. Continue to do soakings daily for a few days. You can also mix Epsom salt and an essential oil, such as peppermint or tea tree, to fight any infections in the cracked feet. Apply this as a scrub twice each week.


In addition to softening hardened skin, the natural juice of lemons eliminates dead skin. Soak your feet in a solution of warm water and lemon juice for 10 minutes before scrubbing the dry skin. Wash feet and apply moisturizer. Repeat every few days. For a daily treatment, combine one teaspoon of petroleum jelly with lemon juice and apply directly onto cracked feet.


The amazing powering agents in bananas can heal dry, cracked skin. Create a paste of two bananas in a blender and put it on the affected areas for a 20-minute application. You can also leave it on overnight to speed up healing time. Overripe bananas are the best to use.


Heal cracks in the feet and soothe any discomfort with the use of an oatmeal paste. Combine one tablespoon of powdered oatmeal with jojoba oil, and cover cracks and dry skin. After 30 minutes, rinse and repeat daily. You can also use one cup of ground oatmeal with ½ cup of flour, ¼ cup of raw honey, and ¼ cup of olive oil mixed together for a paste. Repeat this application three times each week.

Aloe Vera

With its natural healing properties, aloe vera can reverse the damage caused to skin. You can apply it in pure form directly on cracked feet, or use it to create a paste. Combine two tablespoons of aloe vera gel, one teaspoon of turmeric powder, one teaspoon of camphor powder to add to a paste of crushed basil leaves. Massage on affected area and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing.


Use peroxide to heal cracks only if there are no open wounds or bleeding. Add two cups of the peroxide to two cups of warm water and soak feet for 30 minutes. Use a pumice stone to help remove dead skin before rinsing.

We depend on the health of our feet for our daily living, but they can be the most neglected body parts. Think about all of the things we put our feet through, and after time, the actual pressure and friction along with skin condition can cause severely cracked feet. Those with sensitivities to loss of moisture of the skin are even more susceptible to cracks that may become infected. It is important to take time to care for your feet and you can use home products to treat unsightly and painful cracks in heel and feet. Any case of cracked feet that does not clear up after a few weeks should be checked by a medical professional.

Smith, A. C., “Reasons for Severely Cracked Heels,” Livestrong, August 16, 2013;, last accessed March 7, 2017.
Topham Wood, H., “How to Treat Peeling Skin on Feet,” Livestrong, February 11, 2017;, last accessed March 7, 2017.
Rodriguez, D., “What Causes Cracked Heels,” Everyday Health;, last accessed March 7, 2017.
“How to Quickly Heal Cracked Feet: Treatment and Home Remedies,” Nonverbal Learning Disorders Association,, last accessed March 7, 2017.
“How To Heal Cracked Feet,” Top 10 Home Remedies;, last accessed March 7, 2017.
“19 DIY Home Remedies to Heal Cracked Feet,” Home Remedies for Life, December 23, 2016;, last accessed March 7, 2017.

Does your building have flaking, cracking paint? It could be something that painting professionals refer to as “paint failure.”

Causes of split bum crack sore mouth

Paint failure, or paint adhesion loss, is the reduction of bond strength between a coat of paint and the surface to which it’s applied. This failure can occur if a coat is thin, inconsistent, or if there’s a failed adhesion in the application.

Without proper preparation and know-how, a seemingly nice coat of paint can fail, ruining your walls and forcing you to start from scratch. Here’s everything you need to know about paint failure, including what causes it, how to spot it, and why you should fix it early.

Causes of Flaky and Cracking Paint

While flaking occurs when paint is lifted from the underlying wall surface, cracking is caused by the splitting of a dry paint film from one or more coats of paint. According to painting experts, these two symptoms can occur for a few main reasons:

  • Water/Humidity: Paint that’s applied to a damp surface or paint that’s exposed to high humidity can peel easily. Plywood especially can expand and contract depending on humidity levels, making it prone to cracks and flaking in the surface coating.
  • Lack of Surface Preparation: When your paint surface is dirty or isn’t primed properly it’s prone to cracking and flaking even with a just a thin layer.
  • Expired or Low-Quality Paint: These paints can peel much more quickly than fresh, high-quality paint.
  • Improper Application: This is the most common cause of paint failure, especially when wood with an excessive amount of a “flat” hard grain is used.

Causes Of Split Bum Crack Sore Mouth

Your best chance for avoiding paint failure when applying a coat of paint on your own is to be sure you’re using quality paint on a properly-prepared dry surface. If you’re not sure you can tackle this yourself, reach out to a painting professional you can trust.

How to Identify Flaking Paint

Identifying cracking paint in the early stages is simple if you know what to look for, such as the image below.

As you’re watching for abnormalities on your walls, look for very small cracks similar to those at the top of the image above. These are early-stage hairline cracks – a sign of problems to come.

But in the later stages, as you can see towards the bottom of the image above, the paint begins to separate and crack apart, making the problem more serious and harder to fix.

Eventually, the paint will curl and flake onto the floor (like in the picture below), so if you’re seeing pieces of your wall or ceiling littering the ground, that’s a sign that your building is suffering from paint failure.

This means there’s an issue with how your paint is attaching to your walls, and, if the problem has gone through your substrate, it could be costly. The sooner you notice the signs of paint cracking or flaking and bring in a professional, the quicker and easier it will be to fix it.

How It’s Harmful

Aesthetically, a building with cracked, flaking paint isn’t inviting. Your business needs an up-to-date paint job to maintain a clean, professional image, especially if you rely on foot traffic for customers.

But besides being a visually unappealing, cracking, flaking paint can sometimes be dangerous or an indicator of something more serious happening inside your walls.

If your building was built before 1978, there’s a chance that you could be dealing with paint that has lead in it. Lead paint is most dangerous when it’s cracking, blistering, or flaking, because it’s deteriorating and can cause lead-contaminated dust to be released into the air. This may lead to health problems in people of all ages, so it’s important to take precautions against it. Make sure your walls are tested for lead before taking on any big renovations.

Cracks can also give you clues that there are problems beneath the surface of your walls. Cracks that are larger than a normal, thin hairline crack (3/16” of an inch) could be an indicator of a structural issue, especially if these cracks are jagged and don’t go in one consistent direction.

Plus, with a crack in the paint of an outdoor wall, you have the risk of water leaking inside. If drywall or plaster surrounding the crack feels damp, you may have a water infiltration issue which requires immediate attention by a structural professional.

Causes Of Split Bum Crack Sore

Benefits of Fixing Paint Failure Early

By finding the signs of hairline cracking in your walls early on, you’ll be able to save yourself hassle and money in the future.

Smaller, hairline cracks can be fixed more easily as a DIY project with the proper tools. But, if you have peeling or flaking paint, you’re at risk for water damage or damage to the substrate beneath that require professional attention. Depending on how deep the damage goes within your walls, it will cost more and more to replace it, so it’s important to call in a professional immediately.

Causes Of Split Bum Crack Sore

By routinely looking for smaller cracks, you’ll be able to avoid pricier renovations and replacements of your walls’ paint in the future.

Bringing In an Expert

Since flaking or cracking paint can cause a commercial building to lose its aesthetics and appreciated value, it is important that you repair them when they begin to appear.

Causes Of Split Bum Crack Sore Back

Considering that improper paint application is a major factor in this, it’s imperative to choose a reputable commercial painting professional who can repair flaking and cracking paint and will properly apply high-quality paint and coatings that are formulated for the specific surface and environmental conditions.

Causes Of Split Bum Crack Soreness

If you are noticing hairline cracks or peeling, flaky paint on your building’s walls, contact Independence Painting today. We’d be happy to examine your building and determine the best solution possible.